We had some rain last week! In fact, it poured! At one point we were wondering if we would need to build an ark. The water level in Lake Caribou is as high as I have ever seen it! Luckily, it was just rain, not any severe storms. I loved watching the Hi-Leaguers stomping around in puddles, making bridges over running water, and dancing in the rain. A little (or a lot) of rain DID NOT curb their enthusiasm for being at Cathedral of the Pines Camp.
We finished another great session at COP. I was particularly happy with the camp staff, and the quality time they spent with our high school students. They played spike ball, cribbage, went on walks, took sauna’s….they played softball, pickleball, and basketball. A highlight of each day was their time spent in devotions. This time gave the staff an opportunity to get to know these kids on a more personal level. Each evening, they would discuss questions pertaining to the sermon of the night, great conversations were had!
Later in the week we welcomed our incoming 10th graders. These kids will be our workstaff throughout the summer. Over the weekend they learned how to clean toilets and showers, sweep and mop the lodge, water the flowers, and mow the grass. For some reason it is always easier doing cores at camp. It can be quite fun! COP is definitely a place where you learn the importance of teamwork.
We are off to a fantastic 2024 camping season! It is awesome to be a part of celebrating 75 years of camping at Cathedral of the Pines Camp! Thank you for all of the prayers and support!