Know Before You Go!
We want you and your family to be as prepared as possible for your camping time at COP. Over our 75 year history we have learned a lot and worked hard to organize information that is important for you to “know before you go”. Please read the information below with specifics regarding packing lists, tips about being separated as a family, and our specific polices surrounding substances. We know not every question is addressed in this information and are always available to chat and answer anything that may come up as you are getting ready for your trip to COP, please reach out to Kris Ericksen, Camp Coordinator, at
Packing for Camp
Marking Your Belonging
Please mark each piece of equipment and clothing sent with your child. At Camp, some clothing/items may be misplaced, left at Camp, or packed into another child’s bag. Thus, proper “ID” on equipment and clothing will greatly assist in the return of articles to their proper owner. In the fall, unclaimed items are donated to charity.
Here is a list of suggested items to bring to COP
Campers are allowed one sleeping bag or bedroll and one pillow. (Bedroll should include two warm blankets or the equivalent and single sheets.)
What to Pack In?
Campers are allowed one suitcase or duffel bag and one carry on.
Clothes to Have Fun In
Please, send clothing items that Campers can really play in. Campers will get involved in a “hands‐on” way and their clothing may show the wear and tear. Camp will NOT be responsible for lost or damaged articles.
Each Camper is responsible for his or her own spending money. Please be reasonable about the amount of money you send with your Camper. In the excitement of Camp, Campers often forget where their money is located. Please discuss with your Camper the amount of money sent with him/her, the proposed use of the money, and the location of the money. Please tell your Camper to inform his/her Counselor if they cannot locate their money.
Money is needed for:
Crafts: Items range from $.50 to $5.00. The Camper may go to the Craft Center from one to five times during the week.
Canteen: Open twice a day. Limit of two refreshment items per time.
Candy $.50-$1.50 | Beverages $1.50-$2.00 | Stamps $.50 | Misc. Camp Souvenirs $1.00-$40.00
Offerings: One offering will be collected each week.
Camp terrain is rocky and uneven. Campers are requested to wear proper shoes (not flip‐flops) at all times, particularly for athletics and hiking. Sandals are only appropriate for going to the beach or shower.
Laundry facilities are not available to Campers. Please send sufficient clothing for the entire camping period.
Behavioral Expectations
All participants in any Cathedral of the Pines camping program are expected to:
- Behave in an appropriate manner at all times during their attendance at Cathedral of the Pines Camp
- Follow all age appropriate rules
- Follow all bus rules
- Obey all camp safety rules, including staying within camp boundaries
- Follow the “one bell” rule
- Use appropriate language
- Cooperate with other Campers and Staff without extraordinary Staff involvement
- Respect the rights and property of others
- Participate in all activities with their cabin group without individual supervision
- Attend Chapel twice daily; behave respectfully in Chapel
- Attend all meals
- Attend to their own personal care needs
- For campers who bring medications/supplements to camp — ingest all medications/supplements when dispensed.
All of the above behavioral expectations will be clearly explained at the beginning of each Camper session.
Missing home and family (even pets) is natural for children. Our Staff and Counselors are trained in working with children and helping them to deal with missing their home life.
It is not uncommon that the first letter home or the first recollections off of the bus indicate a trace of sadness. For some reason homesickness surfaces most often among our 5th and 6th grade Campers, both boys and girls. It is most likely to develop at night, early in the week. Sometimes it seems as if it is contagious, moving through a whole cabin in empathy to one cabin members bout with tears and fears. It usually burns itself out fairly quickly, as the Campers become involved in the excitement of new friends, activities and camping adventures. Most often, Campers feel better by the end of the week, and develop a real sense of pride in having accomplished something special.
We ask the Counselors to first try to handle homesickness on their own by keeping their Campers active, by helping the Campers develop a bond with their cabin mates and by listening, encouraging and empathizing. Usually within twenty‐four hours, this works. If it doesnʹt, the Camp Staff becomes involved with more encouragement and substitute parenting. We encourage the Camper to verbalize his or her fears of what they are missing out on at home, or their fears of “something happening” while they are gone.
Please do not tell your Camper in advance that they may call home.
How can you help your child adjust to being away from home?
- Start while your Camper is still at home and help them to be proud of being independent and ready for camp.
- Expect that your Camper stay the whole session. Please do not tell your child that they can come home or that you will pick them up if they are homesick — it sets them up for failure instead of success.
- Practice overnights with family/friends to help Campers get used to being away.
- At Camp, send upbeat, cheerful letters that focus on how much fun he or she is having and less on what they are missing at home.
Bedwetting happens most often among the younger Campers, both boys and girls, but does happen at all ages. A note from the parents in advance with helpful advice gives us a chance to notify the Counselor who then will follow parentʹs recommendations. This may include limiting evening fluid intake, late night bathroom visit, checking for wet sleeping bag in the morning, etc. We ask the Counselor to be very discreet and to handle bedwetting very matter‐of‐factly, especially if other Campers become aware of what has happened. We have laundry facilities and Staff available to take care of wet or soiled clothing and bedding. Please call the Camp Coordinator with any specific questions.
Find a Friend
If your Camper is entering 3rd ‐ 8th grade and is attending Camp without a special friend, make sure to inform us at check‐in. A Find a Friend staff member will then match your Camper with another.