Week 5 – July 11, 2023

We are at the end of our second 6, 7 & 8 grade session. It has been a fantastic week. We have a whole bunch of “first timers” this week and I would put money down that they will be back again next year. On the day the campers arrived it was so quiet…that is no longer the case! They are singing, cheering, laughing and the noise is glorious! Just the way camp is supposed to be.

Yesterday I was on the dock and there was some lively banter going on between the camp staff and the workstaff (10th graders). They were on separate docks and each group was trying to ask each other trivia questions to stump the opposing dock. There were many giggles and I think the workstaff was in the lead when I left. Nobody seemed to care who was winning, everyone was just enjoying the beautiful day on the beach.

A couple of weeks ago I woke up to find a robin building a nest on the deck of my cabin. It has been so much fun watching this family of birds. First, the mama would sit on the eggs. I then saw her bringing food to the nest so I knew the babies had hatched. I could hear chirping and see little beaks peeking out of the nest. Today I saw the first baby fly the coop and the other two were not far behind. I am actually going to miss them. I wish them luck!

Last night about 7:15pm, it started to pour rain. Right as the chapel bell rang the sun came out and there was a beautiful double rainbow. It was quite a sight! The perfect ending to a perfect day. All is good at Cathedral of the Pines.


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