Week 5 – July 16, 2024

I am so fired up for the future of Mount Olivet Lutheran Church. Up at Cathedral of the Pines Camp this past week, we have had the opportunity to meet and spend time with two of our new Pastors. Pastor Grangaard was here for our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade week. She jumped right in teaching, preaching, and learning names! I must admit that I was not so good with her last name… During evening chapel, I was praying for her before her first sermon at camp and I had to lean over and ask her what her last name was. That was embarrassing! Pastoral Candidate Olson Popp was with us for our COP for All weekend. Although she hadn’t even officially started at Mount Olivet, she was excited to come and experience COP. The camp staff and I had the pleasure of meeting her husband Cameron, who we now fondly refer to as “Campop.” I found it interesting that both pastors chose to preach on the singing of a Christmas carol each evening in chapel, to remind us how lucky we are that Jesus came to earth…fully human…fully God. We are blessed to have two great new Pastors! They are fabulous preachers, extremely relational, and now believe in the “special sauce” that Mount Olivet is so proud of… Cathedral of the Pines Camp.

The weather has finally dried out up here in the north. In fact, we have had several really hot summer days! There is absolutely nothing better than jumping into Lake Caribou on a hot day. The beach has been extremely busy. Kids playing water volleyball, rolling on the log, playing on the lily pad, taking paddle boat and speed boat rides. The beach is the place to be! I hope everyone is enjoying these beautiful summer days!


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