
Forbidden Substances Policy
Guns, knives, fireworks, other explosives, lighters, matches or anything harmful to your child or others are not allowed at Camp or on the bus.
Alcohol, all forms of tobacco, all vape devices, and illicit drugs are forbidden at Camp. Additionally, the use of prescription medications for purposes of (or by persons other than) medically prescribed is also forbidden at Camp. If any person violates these rules, parents will be called and arrangements will be made for parents to pick their child up.
Electronics Policy
Camp is a place to celebrate and enjoy the great outdoors — to take a break from everyday life. For this reason, electronics are not allowed at Camp or on the bus to and from Camp. This includes: cell phones, stereos, boom boxes, MP3 players, Gameboys, T.V.ʹs, DVD players, computers, iPods, iPads, tablets, etc. (The only exception to this policy is digital cameras). If any person brings any form of electronic device to Camp, parents will be called and arrangements will be made for parents to pick their child up.
Miscellaneous Policies
Wheel Policy: Skateboards, Rollerblades, Scooters, and Rollerskate Shoes are not allowed at camp.
Other Items: The cabins are very small. Please do not bring excessive equipment such as sporting goods, musical instruments, coolers, etc.
Damage Control Policy
Each time the Camp population changes, every cabin is inspected for graffiti and/or other damage, including tampering with fire extinguishers. Fines will be levied by informing the responsible Camper/Counselor/Workstaff and by sending a bill to the parents of that person. All bills must be paid before the Camper is allowed to register for a return to Camp.
$25 will be charged for any writing/carving; any other damage will be billed according to the cost of the repair.